We are pleased to launch our new website, which we hope that you will find easy to navigate, access the information that you are looking for and be able to readily contact us.
The website is an important platform to promote our work. The Sheppard Trust is a forward looking charity that still respects it history.
We will keep our stakeholders: residents and their families; prospective residents, women looking for sheltered housing; donors, supporters and friends of the Trust, the local community and colleagues looking to refer an applicant for housing or just to learn more about what we do, informed via our News page. This will be regularly updated and current at all times.
The News page, will keep everyone informed and updated on the progress and development of our state-of-the-art purpose built scheme.
Applicants can view our eligibility criteria, Information Sheet on housing and the application process; download the application form and submit it online.
Residents will be able to access links to the sections of the Residents Handbook, book the Guest Room and report a repair online.
Donors and supporters can donate and submit a standing order mandate online.
We hope that you are excited about the website as we are; we welcome your comments and feedback to continually improve the website.