Support us

Your support could help fund a much needed holiday, a helping hand in the home, or help us build new homes to house more women in need.

The Sheppard Trust is in existence today because of the generosity of its benefactor, Elizabeth Sheppard. If you too would like to help there are several easy ways in which you can make a donation:


NOTE: Please do consider completing a Gift Aid declaration form whenever you make a donation. The Sheppard Trust will receive an extra 25p for every pound you give at no additional cost to you.

Donate online

Make an online donation via our Just Giving account.

Donate via Standing Order

Thank you for supporting our work, please contact us for a standing order form:

Request a form

Donate via cheque

Please make cheques payable to: The Sheppard Trust, c/o Ayrton House, London NW7 1WD

Donate via your Will

By making a bequest in your Will, you can help us expand our work in helping even more older women in need.  If you are interested please contact us.


If you would like to volunteer to work with us, you can do this by contacting Octavia Foundation.

Octavia Foundation operate a befriending service for adults who are vulnerable or lonely in Kensington and Chelsea.  We work closely with the Octavia Foundation to find volunteer befrienders for residents who would benefit from this service.  They have a full recruitment, induction and training process in place including procedures for safeguarding vulnerable adults.

For more information please contact:  020 8354 5681 or visit the Octavia Foundation website.